
Do not succumb to Synod fatigue

“And so we must guard against Synod fatigue and not give up hope or lose momentum in demanding urgent change from our bishops and keep pushing for justice,” writes activist Miriam Duignan.


The ‘imposter’ in the Vatican

“One gentleman recently said to me ‘I fear there’s an imposter in the Vatican! ‘ To which I
replied, ‘just one?’, writes Fr Joe McDonald.


The Church has to Change

There’s a tendency, at least among conservative Catholics in the US, to critique everything Pope Francis teaches in light of what the Church taught in the past, writes Paul Fahey.


And the women of faith keep going

During the Synod in October, Editor Garry O’Sullivan was in Rome and interviewed Sr Joan Chittister, famed preacher and prophet, also in Rome, in an exclusive for The Synodal Times.


A Synod of Sweet and Sour

“People listened to each other, and when they do that it builds a culture of listening and dialogue, and this culture of synodality offers a path out of the polarisation in the Church,” writes Garry O’Sullivan.

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