
The Synod and the way forward for the Church

“We can continue to insist that our way is the right way, and if only everyone else would listen to us. Or follow the Successor of Peter, Pope Francis, to discover where the Holy Spirit is leading us,” writes Mike Lewis.


Francis’ Path: To Rome from the peripheries

“Under the rubric of ‘evolution’ Francis noted how the Church had often changed its stance on particular issues over the centuries, instancing slavery, the possession of nuclear arms and the death penalty,” writes Gerry O’Hanlon SJ.


My Hopes and Fears for the Synod

“I fear the obvious unwillingness of a significant minority, at least, of bishops around the world to embrace synodality and Pope Francis’ vision” writes Professor John Warhurst.


Tackling the Cardinal Sin of disinformation about the Synod

“When Cardinal Gerhard Müller says that the Synod is a ‘hostile takeover’ by people who want to change doctrine, the Cardinal needs to be told that he is spreading disinformation. Where are your facts Cardinal?” writes Garry O’Sullivan.

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